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A scene from a future Dr Who episode

It could be the 19th century apart from The Shard and the Mayor’s offices which look as though they have been dropped in from the 22nd century. I…

Is there anyone out there?

A winter’s day on Wimbledon Common. It was foggy. A heron stood on the wooden table.  He wasn’t enjoying the weather.

Wish you were here – away travelling in Los Angeles

Beach front photos of Santa Monica

The Shard looking like a building in a futuristic cityscape

The “inside out” Lloyds Building on a Christmas morning

My 16 year old daughter was with me when I took these photos. Never having seen it before, she declared the Lloyds Building “horrible” and “ugly” and, given…

A crisp December morning “up the Monument”

I went on a photo expedition to the City of London shortly before Christmas 2015. It was a pleasure watching other people working whilst I wasn’t. We started…

Cricket nets in winter

Another picture from Hogwarts (aka Dulwich College). The cricket nets in the winter half light.

Clog dancing in N1

I took the Northern line up to Islington to see a couple of Northern girls sing and (occasionally) clog dance: The Unthanks. The old chapel sounded wonderful as…

Dramatic architecture

At the National Theatre  

Georgie Fame at Ronnie Scott’s club on a Saturday night

Ronnie Scott’s jazz club on Frith Street is one of London’s musical gems. We saw 72 year old Georgie Fame supported by Guy Barker’s big band last night….