Walking is my my favourite way of getting around this city. Its the best way to explore. To have a look up here and a glimpse down there. And you can stop off in one of London’s 7,000 pubs to break the journey with a clear conscience.
Something catches my eye as I wander around and I take a photo. Or I discover something I didn’t previously know. This blog is where I post the pictures and write down the things that I find interesting. Its a form of scrap book really.
Hopefully you will find something of interest. It might even lead to you going to have a look for yourself. That would be great. But don’t forget the pubs. They need your trade.
All photos (c) TheLondoni 2010 to 2021 except for a few that I have credited.
Newgate Prison and St Paul’s Cathderal dominated this part of London for centuries. Both took a few blows during that time; each of them was destroyed by the…
All that remains of Clifford’s Inn, the Inn of Chancery that was founded in 1344 and dissolved in 1903, is this solitary gate in Clifford’s Inn Passage. The…
Barnard’s Inn was one of the Inns of Chancery where solicitors traditionally trained and practised law from chambers within the Inn building until the nineteenth century. As the…
Ancient Inn’s abound in Holborn. I don’t mean just the drinking, stabling-your-horse-overnight type of Inns, but also the legal buildings that are part of the deep and old…
I love it when fictional London collides with a factual version of the city. After visiting Staples Inn a few month’s ago,I recently found this passage in The…
It’s another wonderful, secluded London sanctuary hidden in plain sight from the busy streets that surround it, including Fleet Street and the Embankment. And it’s also another piece of…
One of the most interesting facts – and there are many – about Lincoln’s Inn is that the Elizabethan playwright and actor Ben Jonson, a contemporary and rival…
Carey Street runs from Portugal Street and the student quarter around the LSE across to Chancery Lane and London’s legal area. It is famous as the original “Queer…