Author: TheLondoniPage 4 of 28
l’m wandering around London with Charles Dickens rattling around inside my head at the moment. I listened to the audiobook of David Copperfield, which I started out of…
All that remains of Clifford’s Inn, the Inn of Chancery that was founded in 1344 and dissolved in 1903, is this solitary gate in Clifford’s Inn Passage. The…
Sometimes London just thrills me. And it can be the smallest of things. There I am wandering through my life in this city and then I turn a…
You can easily miss it. Tucked down a side alley that leads from Hatton Garden, with its gaudy jewelry shops, to the stunted Ely Place, Ye Old Mitre…
I love these old schools with their statues of children dressed in blue that are scattered around London and beyond. Blue is always the colour for the clothes…
It caught my eye as I wandered round Clerkenwell the other day. A tree poking its head out of Clerkenwell Close to see what is going on in…
The Italian community in Clerkenwell, which had grown from a handful of emigrants fleeing the revolutions in Italy in the 1840’s into a full “colony” of several thousand…