Author: TheLondoniPage 28 of 28

More songs than I can sing: this is the ultimate website dedicated to songs about London

The London Nobody Sings is a website that is dedicated to, and collects together, songs about London. It is put together by Yr Heart Out who also produces…

Telling tales: a proper London night out in N1

My evening began appropriately enough sitting in a pub, pint in hand listening to a man “banging on”. Arriving early for the latest True Stories Told Live I…

Under the weather: fog’s particular contribution to London art (and soup) in the late nineteenth century.

London exploded in size in the nineteenth century. In 1801 it had just over 1 million inhabitants. By 1901 the population had reached 6.5 million with the rate…

What does London look like on the first day back after the Christmas holidays?

Twitter gives you a great perspective. Here are some examples of how some London people that I follow are feeling about the world this morning…. Still cant get…